Agricultural Worker

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Utah Legal Services can help agricultural worker with an H2A visas with legal issues  relating to H2A status, including contracts, employer housing and wage disputes. We also help with humanitarian visas such as U and T, regardless of status. U and T visas are available for victims of trafficking and victims of certain crimes occurring within the state of Utah, regardless of current immigration status. We find that often, trafficking cases go hand-in-hand with wage cases, as economic abuse and withholding of pay are common methods of control. This practice, along with the similar practice of withholding identity documents, can make it very difficult for workers to escape a trafficking situation. Trafficking may also look like physical or nonphysical harm or threats of harm, especially threats of deportation, or other verbal intimidation used to cause an employee to believe they would suffer serious harm if they do not perform labor for the employer. Utah Legal Services welcomes calls from those who believe they may be a victim of human trafficking, for advice on obtaining a trafficking-related visa or help with other trafficking-related legal issues, such as wage and contract disputes. 

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Utah Legal Services is a Legal Services Corporation (LSC) grantee. We are required to notify donors that our funds may not be used in any manner inconsistent with the Legal Services Corporation Act or Section 504 of Public Law 104-134.