Women, Infants and Children’s Supplemental Food Programs (WIC)

The Women, Infants and Children's Supplemental Food programs (WIC) are intended to prevent complications of pregnancy and to promote growth and development of young children. The federal government, through its WIC program, supports the diets of pregnant women and children up to age five.

Who is eligible for WIC?

To qualify for WIC, you must:

  • Live in Utah. You do not have to be a US citizen.
  • Have a family income less than WIC guidelines.  A person receiving Medicaid, the Family Employment Program (TANF) or Food Stamps already meets the income eligibility requirements.
  • Have a special nutritional need.
  • Be in one of the following groups:
    • pregnant
    • breastfeeding
    • a woman who has just had a baby
    • an infant
    • child less than 5 years of age

What benefits does WIC provide?

If you qualify, you will be given vouchers, which can be exchanged at your local grocery store for formula, milk, cheese, and other nutritious foods. You will also be eligible to receive nutrition education.

How do I apply for WIC?

You can apply for WIC at the local health department in your area. Click here for a list of WIC clinics in Utah.

What are the income limits?

WIC income eligibility information can be found on the following links:

Last updated on .

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